Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bronze Metal Chasing for Ridgeback bronze

Rhodesian Ridgeback bronze artThe Rhodesian Ridgeback's tail is welded to the body.
Rhodesian Ridgeback artHere I proofed the bronze casting and noted imperfections that needed revisiting.
Rhodesian Ridgeback bronze statueThe welder uses my corrections to apply to the other two bronzes.
Rhodesian Ridgeback bronze castingI am very happy with the bronze casting results.
Rhodesian Ridgeback metal chasingHere the welder is filling in cavities I discovered; then he will use his tools to reintroduced the fur texture.
Rhodesian Ridgeback bronze weldingHere is a better image of the tail being welded to the ridgeback's body.

Live sculpting broadcast by HandsofCaesar.com

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Dog, Wildlife, Action Figure; Fantasy sculptor
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