Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Photo gallery of ridgeback final clay sculpt

Rhodesian Ridgeback subject
The study for this composition was the dog featured on "The Ridgeback Register" International Issue - January 2007. The dog's name is "Nashira's Katano Ridgeville" owner: Ana Paola Diniz of Brazil. Thank you for sharing your awesome ridgeback!

Cory Bowers of Southern California, thank you for providing me a copy of "The Ridgeback Register" and putting me in touch with your contacts.

Kumar Kandiah of Australia, thank you for providing me a copy of the "Midlands & Northern Rhodesian Ridgeback Club, Illustrated Breed Standard" ; your keen eye.

Dog artist
Rhodesian Ridgeback artist

More Rhodesian Ridgeback images are available by visiting my art sculpture site. I will post the bronze images once the bronze foundry has completed their tasks.

Ridgeback dog sculpture ready for bronze casting

Rhodesian Ridgeback clay sculpture is ready for the bronze foundry

Live sculpting broadcast by

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When I am not broadcasting a list of current short movie clips are played.

I will try my best to embed the short videos recorded from the live broadcast on this blog.

Dog, Wildlife, Action Figure; Fantasy sculptor
click here or on the image to see me live on
my channel... 12:00 - 6:00 PM PST